Councils of Elporia

Benjamin Kanelos, based on As Thou Commands by Peter Nixon

As Thou Commands is a rules-light mass player experience (megagame) where the players procedurally generate and run fictional feudal Duchies. These Duchies comprise an entire medieval Kingdom, and players’ decisions will have impacts both near and far. Play alternates between drafting narrative elements and participating in council sessions where players attempt to negotiate beneficial outcomes to thorny issues bedeviling the Kingdom.

While the narrative elements created by the players will be edited by moderators to enforce tonal homogeneity between the Duchies (in a collaborative manner with player input), players will have a large say over the broader narrative universe in which the Kingdom exists. As Thou Commands aims to be a collaborative storytelling experience as much as an emulation of medieval power politics.

The Councils of Elporia logo

A Megagame of Collaborative Worldbuilding & Politicking

Based on As Thou Commands by Peter Nixon

Game Design: Benjamin Kanelos

Symbols from TheNounProject: kareemov1000, Hassan Ali, Sergey Demushkin, Rainbow Designs, texar tantular, hand shake by Robert Bjurshagen & Alina Oleynik.

Player Handbook

Centuries of war between the factions of the Elpor Basin has finally ended. With the Elporian Pact signed, there is finally a chance for peace! Now comes the hard part… Building a unified Kingdom from the ruins of war while working alongside your rivals whom you were fighting with until recently. Things were simpler when ‘might makes right’, but perhaps there are small victories to be won through diplomacy? Besides, the old adage, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” still holds true, right? A handshake here, a side-eye there, and hopefully you’ll come out ahead!

The Councils of Elporia is a rules-light mass player experience (megagame) where the players collectively generate and rule a Kingdom. Players will have a large say over the broader narrative universe, but their choices will be constrained by some light rules and edits by moderators to enforce tonal homogeneity. The Councils of Elporia aims to be a collaborative storytelling experience all players can enjoy.

Each player will procedurally generate and rule over a fictional Province. These Provinces comprise an entire medieval-fantasy Kingdom, and players’ decisions will have impacts both near and far. Players will alternate between drafting narrative elements for their Province, and then participating in council sessions. In the Council sessions, players will attempt to negotiate beneficial outcomes to thorny issues bedeviling the Kingdom.


  1. Tech Platforms
  2. Tonal Guide (High-Fantasy Medieval)
  3. The Elpor Basin
    1. The Councils of Elporia
  4. Player Safety and Inclusion
    1. Potentially Controversial Topics
    2. X-Card System
  5. General Structure of The Councils of Elporia
  6. Check-in Instructions
  7. Phase I. Draft Aspects
    1. Linking Aspects
    2. Collecting Resources
    3. Trading Resources & Forming Links
  8. Phase II. Council Sessions
    1. The Voting Process
    2. Voting Consequences
    3. Non-Council Options

Tech Platforms

Councils of Elporia uses Miro (browser-based app) for the shared game boards and Discord for text and voice communication. You must have access to both, and we highly recommend the use of a PC with a mouse. Please familiarize yourself with both apps prior to the game.

Miro will be the shared game board. Be aware that any changes you make will be visible to all players. Try not to move / change elements you are not meant to. A quick primer on the basic commands you will be using:

Tonal Guide (High-Fantasy Medieval)

This is a high-fantasy medieval setting. (Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft, etc.) Here are important thematic notes to keep in mind for the event:

The Elpor Basin

The Elpor Basin is home to a plenitude of different factions and geographies. Unfortunately, this has not led to prosperity. Each faction has at some time sought to dominate the Elpor Basin. Thus, for as long as anyone can remember, the Elpor Basin has always been at war. While small Kingdoms from each land would rise, the geographical layout and factional nature of its inhabitants always led to a quick downfall.

Plains of Duerbar
The majority of the Elpor Basin is made up of the Plains of Duerbar. These fertile rolling hills are home to humans, hobbits, centaurs, orcs, and giants. The Plains of Duerbar have no defensible chokepoint, so no great settlements of any kind were ever established.
Glimline Forests
The Elpor Basin is dotted with great stands of towering trees. These Glimline Forests are home to elves, treefolk, satyrs, fairies, and unicorns. The Glimline Forests are separated by great distances, making it impossible for one faction to rule them all.
Mountains of Skaar
Surrounding the Elpor Basin on three sides are the Mountains of Skaar. These treacherous cliffs are home to dragonborn, avian, gargoyles, ettercaps, and sphinx. Being a thin line of a mountain range surrounding the Basin, the length of the territory is interminable making it impractical for any ruler to control it in its entirety.
Under the entire Elpor Basin lies the Underland, a vast network of caves home to dwarves, goblins, myconids, minotaurs, and formians. The Underland connects to all other regions, making it impossible to form any real border to defend.
Silver Coast (may not occur in playtest)
The Elpor Basin empties into the Silver Sea on one side. This forms the Silver Coast which is populated by merfolk, reptilians, tortles, slimelings, and crabfolk. The residents of the Silver Coast were never adept enough and travelling inland, so any of their threats were pushed back to the sea.

The world outside the Elpor Basin is largely a mystery to the basin’s residents. Every now and again rumors, merchants, and delegations make their way into Elpor Basin… but the all consuming wars turn most of the Factions’ attention inwards.

The Councils of Elporia

Over generations it has become clear that no faction will ever control the territory in its entirety. After centuries of war, it finally seems the time for diplomacy has arisen. After plenty of consternation and political wrangling, each faction selected a leader to send to council to form a new allied government. Past borders were dissolved. Promises to share resources were made. Truces were struck between old enemies. Thus the Elporian Pact was signed, ratified, and a new Kingdom was born! Now comes the hard part of integration and administration. 3 main legislative bodies were formed by the Pact:

For the purposes of this game:

Player Safety and Inclusion

The Councils of Elporia aims to be an inclusive experience

Potentially Controversial Topics

It’s impossible to avoid every potentially controversial topic, but Control has been instructed to handle these topics with care:

X-Card System

Players will have the ability to object to ongoing evolving narrative elements which may make them uncomfortable using an X-card system. A card with an X on it will be present for all players to gesture to.If a player gestures to that card, then the current narrative element being discussed will be skipped ASAP and without question. Because we are playing digitally, players may need to privately message or publicly signal Control to skip a topic.

General Structure of The Councils of Elporia

The Kingdom is composed of Provinces, which are overseen by Faction Leaders represented by the Players. All players will start on equal footing.

The role of the players and Control in The Councils of Elporia:

Each round will consist of 2 phases and generall be 1 hours long:

  1. Draft Aspects:(20-30 minutes) Players will select Aspects for their Faction via a snake draft (a draft that goes in opposite order each cycle). These Aspects will give the players access to Resources, potential narrative Links, or special abilities. Players will fill in descriptive text for each Aspect they choose, slowly building and filling in the details of the world. After drafting, players will collect Resources from their Province board.
  2. Council Sessions:(20-30 minutes) Players will use their Resources to vote on options choosing policies or resolving dilemmas presented by Control. The results of these choices can have repercussions on individual Aspects, a Province, or the entire Kingdom. Players can also use this time to form Links with players in other Provinces and participate in Player-Driven Narratives. After the Dilemmas, players will gather together to hear the consequences of their decisions.

The game is designed to be 4 rounds long after which Control will convene and decide the ultimate fate of your Kingdom. Each round is roughly equivalent to five years in-game.

Check-in Instructions

When you join the Discord server, please indicate which Province you would like to join and let Control know if you wish to play with another player. Your Province’s text channel will have a link to your Province’s Miro page. Claim one of the five boards and fill in the relevant information. Choose a faction to represent. Players are encouraged to play as different factions, but can be the same faction upon request. Please change your Nickname on the Discord server to your character name and faction.

For example:

Phase I. Draft Aspects

During Asset drafting, you must remain in your Provinces’s Discord Voice channels. You can move to back rooms, but only to speak with other members of your Province. You cannot send private messages (PMs) to other players, although you can PM Control at any time.

Players will draft Aspects of their Faction by selecting an Aspect from the tableau. Once an Aspect is selected, Control will mark it with the player’s color andno other player can select that Aspect. Aspects confer some benefit upon the player who selected it.

In the first round, a player will randomly be given the Leader token, represented by the crest of your Province. The player with the Leader token will make a draft selection first, followed by the next clockwise player. Drafting assets occurs as a “snake draft”, meaning the draft proceeds with players selecting their picks in clockwise order until the last player drafts their pick. Then the draft order reverses (counterclockwise) and starts with the player who picked last in the previous round.Each player can only have 1 Aspect per row, but can pick from any legal spot on the board (they do not have to draft from the top row down).

When drafting, players are encouraged to discuss and share their visions for their Province in a collaborative manner, but to also keep peer pressure to a minimum. When drafting, players do not need to wait for the previous player to finish their writing prompt before they pick their draft pick and Control may politely push players to draft asset cards in a brisk manner. Players can also use this time to Link their Aspects.

Linking Aspects

Players are encouraged to come up with ways their Aspects relate with each other. Here are some ideas:

For narrative purposes, relating Aspects can stretch to multiple players and between Provinces:

To make such a relationship official, a player can spend a Link Token to form a Link between two Aspects.

Icon used for a link

When a player chooses an Aspect that gives them a Link Token, they add it to their player board.

Link Tokens do not need to be spent the moment they are acquired.

Link Tokens are not Resources. They cannot be used to vote, but they can be traded.

If Control approves a Link, they will draw the Link and label it. When forming a Link:

Collecting Resources

After Drafting, players will collect Resources. Each symbol on an Aspect a player has drafted will create 1 matching Resource. There are 3 Resources in the game: Wealth, Might, and Magic. While all these Resources can all be used to vote on options during the Council Sessions, players can earn these Resources in different ways and they may have different effects at various points of the game.

Icon used for wealth

Represents material assets and other objects of quantifiable value

Icon used for might

Represents military power and the ability to accomplish things through acts of violence.

Icon used for magic
Represents magical abilities and spellcraft.
Trading Resources & Forming Links

The Councils of Elporia is meant to be a game of diplomacy, negotiations, and backstabbing. As part of this, players can trade with one another or establish links at any time they share the same voice channel. Players can trade Resources and Link Tokens, but cannot trade Aspects. If players have the Resources to complete an agreed upon trade, they must do so immediately. However, if the trade is for future Resources, the player does not have to honor the deal in the future.

Phase II. Council Sessions

Each player can pick a single Council Session they would like to attend and enter that Council’s Voice Channel on Discord. Once you enter a Council session for the round, you cannot enter a different Council that round. You can attend a different Council in the following rounds.

During this phase, players are free to move between their chosen Council’s Voice Channel, their Province’s Voice Channel, the Inter-Province Link Voice Channel, and the Player-Driven Narrative Voice Channel.

In the Council Voice Channel, the players will meet to discuss and debate the pressing issues facing the Kingdom. Control will present a dilemma that will likely have far-reaching effects. Some example dilemmas include:

Along with presenting the dilemma, Control will present the potential options to the dilemma which will be voted on by the players (voting process described below). Players vote by spending Resources.

Creative solutions or options in addressing certain dilemmas can be proposed by players but require the approval of Control. This is not meant to allow players to find a convenient ‘middle-ground’ option, which is often unrealistic. The goal of the game is to debate and negotiate tough and oftentimes binary decisions, and Control will push players to do so. Player-proposed solutions can only be proposed before voting on the options begins.

The Voting Process

Players are encouraged to have a brief open-ended discussion / negotiation about the dilemma. Players can dedicate resources to a vote at any time. To do so, players write their name in the ledger and indicate how many Resources of each type they would like to dedicate. Players can only add Resources, and cannot remove them once dedicated to a voting option. Players cannot vote with more than 5 Resources. A player can vote for more than one option. A player can abstain from the voting by not dedicating any Resources.

Control will set a secret timer (roughly 5 minutes) and will warn players when the voting is closing. Once closed, players cannot add any additional Resources and the results are tallied. The option with the most Resources wins. If there is a tie, the player who dedicated the most Resources breaks the tie. If there is still a tie, Control will break the tie.

Control will note which option won. They will adjudicate the consequences of the winning option at the end of the Dilemma Phase. They will then announce the next dilemma or inform the players if that was the final dilemma of the Council Session.

Voting Consequences

At the end of the Dilemma phase, all players should gather in the Kingdom-Wide Announcements Channel where Control will adjudicate the consequences of the Dilemmas. There may be positive or negative effects. For example:

If a player is directly Linked to an affected Aspect, they share that benefit or loss. These benefits or losses do not continue to chain through Links.

Non-Council Options

Players do not need to stay in a Council session the entire time. Players are free to move to other voice channels as long as it is not a different Council or Province from their own. You can do the following during this phase: